
Just a fun bloggie....for amusement. =Þ

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Kind of Fun

Right, so I know that I am not the type to roll down the stairs laughing my ass off. I know I am not the type that does random or crazy things at crazy times. I mean...in my whole life, I must have done those kinds of things no more than...3 or 4 times?!

Getting drunk and going clubbing isn't fun. And I certainly don't find gossiping, talking about people behind their backs, backstabbing, being a busy-body or meddling in other people's business fun. I believe that there's a VERY BIG difference between concern and sticking your nose where it doesn't belong for the purposes of ruining something just to make yourself happy.

But that doesn't mean I am not fun or don't know how to have fun.

My kind of fun is, I guess, different from most other people's kinds of fun. For example - I find cooking fun. Leaning new things is fun. What else is fun? Getting all dressed up and going fine dining, and watching a show of some sort. Ballet anyone? LOL. I like going to nice (and clean) places.

If I had nothing to do in the weekends, I could spend the whole afternoon going to open homes, looking at beautiful pieces of architecture and design. I love looking at nice houses. I find looking at art work fun. I like browsing through home decor items. Looking at pretty things and fashion is fun. Ballroom dancing is something I love to do - and that is most certainly very very fun. Going to the theme park and riding the roller coaster is fun. I can go around and around for the whole afternoon. I'm an extreme-ride nut....just don't take me to a water park to go on water slides: I'm absolutely terrified of going on them.

Plus there are the obvious fun activities - watching movies, reading...especially when done in front of a roaring fireplace. ^^ Watching figure skating is fun. A gathering of friends having heart-to-heart talks is fun. Pampering myself with a facial or a manicure is fun.

Other fun couple activites? Something I have always loved and wanted to do was to go to the beach on a hot, sunny day, lie on that someone special's lap and have him read to me for the whole afternoon. Call me a romantic or an idiot - but I find that fun. Stargazing is fun, not to mention incredibly romantic. There's something about all those twinkly lights amidst the peace and quiet of the night. While having a heart-to-heart with friends is good...having such a talk with one you love is a million times better - what could be more fun than being open about everything, sharing everything...your dreams, goals, thoughts, fears, worries...as well as the silliest little things? This is intimacy.

Travelling is fun. Going to different places, seeing and experiencing different things...and taking lots and lots of photos is extremely fun for me. I may not be a nature-nut (no hikes or bush walks), but take me to a landscaped or themed-garden and take photos with me...I absolutely love it.

I don't find running around or sitting around doing nothing and being idle fun. In fact, I hate it. I hate not knowing what to do.

So yeah...my kind of fun may be different...but it certainly doesn't mean that I'm not fun. I just need to find someone who knows how to have my kind of fun.


  • At 10:03 PM, Blogger koolerken said…

    Hey len. I agree with everything you said about what you said was not fun. I seriously depise ppl who put their nose in the wrong thing too.Actualli... how is tat fun? i can never understand but I definitely wont associate with such ppl. Clearly said in the bible tat gossiping is not on!

    everyone hae their own range of activities that they find 'fun' to do. Dancing is definitely not fun for me, martial art is :) unless u hae egolistic guys there tryin to convince you that he's beta.

    Some wise word from the old King Solomon, 'enjoy in ur youth, but remember ur come into God's judgement'. I am glad ur not wasting the gift God have given you. As for gettin wasted, chatting up gals, one night stands... yeh, it mayb fun for a while but its so so SHALLOW! U gain nothing from it and it does cum wif bad consequences.

    So beware u all, for all will face the wrath of God !!!!

  • At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    drinking and clubbing is boring to me too. who cares what others say!

  • At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You have classy taste. I love La Elegancia.

  • At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my kind of fun is something that i like and enjoy doin.......

  • At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hm...my kind of fun is wat i like and enjoy doin....

  • At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice... you are absolutely right.. every person is unique in their own way and people dont really have to change their way of fun just to fit in or just to have fun.. coz every person can have fun in their own little or big ways..


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